Acupuncture is the best known form of therapy derived from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
As a diagnostic, preventive or curative treatment, it is the harmonization of the internal forces of Yin and Yang.
Integrated into Western medicine by reputable researchers and therapists, traditional Chinese acupuncture has been extended by other techniques: oral acupuncture, ear acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, etc.
Fields of application:
Chronic pain, headaches, migraines, joint pain, herniated disc, toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, shingles, addictions, smoking cessation, respiratory diseases, asthma, sinusitis, Tonsillits; as well as allergies, hay fever, skin diseases, wound healing disorders, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, digestive system, constipation, bloating, stress, sleep disorders, obstetrics, menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, fertility problems.