Ozone is oxygen in its most energetic and active form.
Ozone is a very intensive form of oxygen, and occurs as a natural constituent of the air in the atmosphere. It works as a protection against harmful substances. Ozone is particularly important for the energy-processing in cell metabolism. Applied in small doses it can kill bacteria, fungi and viruses, and also stimulates blood circulation, having a stimulating effect on the immune system.
What are the benefits of oxygen-ozone therapy in humans?
It improves blood circulation and regenerates (heart and circulatory problems, cerebral symptoms;
It is anti-inflammatory and analgesic (arthritis, rheumatism, joint problems);
Works against allergies (for example, pollen allergy);
Works against chronic viral infection
Induces reduction of Cholesterol and uric acid;
Important for the "biological cancer treatment";
It enhances the effects of homeopathy, acupuncture, intestinal rehabilitation helps
Against skin diseases;
Natural Anti-aging
In what forms ozone can be administered?
Rectal insufflation (Intestinal insufflation)
Vaginal insufflation
Ozonated olive oil