Thank you for your message and inquiry.

Unfortunately, due to capacity reasons, I cannot accept new patients until the beginning of July 2025.


Dr. med. Bianka Toebben


The "New Hypnose" unfolds its effect on the basis of mutual trust and constructive cooperation between patient and therapist.

Treatment goals are jointly developed.

The therapist leads and supports the patient safely to his journey into his subconscious mind.

In the state of hypnosis, the body is in complete relaxation, with increased concentration in the mind.

In this condition, unconscious resources are released, previously unknown capabilities are enabled.

The creativity of the unconscious mind makes a wholesome, individual ability to solve problems.

In the course of the therapy is working through the discovery and problem-solving capabilities.

Using the techniques of Hypnoanalyse and suggestion can be achieved such quick positive response.

Dr. med. Bianka Többen

Aldeia de Biscainhas LT 7
8500-159 Mexilhoeira Grande, Alcalar
Algarve, Portugal

+351 / 914 635 661
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